Jun 11, 2011
Our experience after death is determined by how we lived our life. Those who train the consciousness can take advantage of the after death states, to achieve a better rebirth. This lecture examines the six stages of the life cycle (bardos), kabbalah, astral projection, meditation, and more.
"After death, we review the life that we just finished; we relive it in a retrospective manner, by means of the intelligence and the heart. After such a retrospection has concluded, we then must appear before the Courts of God. The Angels of the Law are called amongst the Eastern people the Lords of Karma; they judge us according to our deeds. The outcome of such a judgment could be that we may return again into a new womb in order to appear again immediately in this physical world, or we may enter into a kind of vacation within the worlds of the light and happiness, or finally—regrettably—we could be obligated to enter into the interior of the Earth, within its infradimensions, with all of its pains and displeasures." - Samael Aun Weor, Beyond Death
This is a lecture from the free online course Death: Preparation for Transformation
Course Description:
Everyone will experience death, thus it is intelligent to prepare oneself for the experience. This course examines the truth of what happens when we die, and what happens in the afterlife or "between" (bardo). Most importantly, you will learn how to use today as preparation for death, and thereby transform life into a source of happiness for yourself and others.
"We can learn very little from the phenomenon of birth, but from death we can learn everything." - Samael Aun Weor, The Great Rebellion