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The Glorian podcast includes lectures about practical spirituality, consciousness, psychology, philosophy, gnosis, religion, kabbalah, meditation, sacred sexuality, and much more.

This podcast is a free public service produced by Glorian Publishing, a non-profit organization, and made possible by the donations of those who have recognized the value of these teachings and who wanted to share them with you.

Nov 2, 2022

All of us experience our moment to moment existence, not according to our physical circumstances, but according to our psychological circumstances.

Our quality of mind is our quality of being. Our psychological condition is our level of being. 

Furthermore, our psychological qualities determine our experience of life. 

May 7, 2022

An explanation of the first four verses of the Yoga Sutra's of Patanjali. 

It details the use of a simple, direct method to achieve meditation and samadhi. 


A quote:

Today we are going to...

Mar 29, 2022

If we were to walk through any office building or place of work, we would find that many of the workers look at computer screens with a background image of some peaceful beach or nature scene. The workers gaze at those images, wishing to not be where they are, and dream about being on that beach or in those mountains,...

Feb 19, 2022

The story of The Healing of the Paralytic at Bethesda is imbued with esoteric teachings on psychology and our greater spiritual work.

Slides & Transcription:

This lecture...

Jan 3, 2022

As we are now, we are overwhelmed by negative emotional forces and negative mental forces, which create tremendous suffering in our lives. Every human being struggles daily with unhappiness, doubt, anger, fear, and more. These states cause us to act in harmful ways toward ourselves and toward others, which in...