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The Glorian podcast includes lectures about practical spirituality, consciousness, psychology, philosophy, gnosis, religion, kabbalah, meditation, sacred sexuality, and much more.

This podcast is a free public service produced by Glorian Publishing, a non-profit organization, and made possible by the donations of those who have recognized the value of these teachings and who wanted to share them with you.

Feb 19, 2011

The final lecture of the course explains liberation from suffering, the goal of all religion. Includes practices of meditation, use of consciousness, psychology, attention, samadhi, dhyana, and more.

"Transcendent wisdom is inexpressible and inconceivable. Unborn and unceasing, it has the nature of space; It is realized...

Feb 6, 2011

To perceive the reality, the Divine, one needs to know how to use the consciousness in a very specific way, a state of consciousness called in various languages Dhyana, Jhana, Ch'an, Zen, or Sampten. This state of cognizant perception is the gateway to authentic spiritual experience. This lecture explains the steps to...

Jan 15, 2011

Concentration is the ability to pay attention and not be distracted. This is the fundamental basis of entering into meditation itself. Without concentration, meditation is not possible. So, beginners first learn how to concentrate. This lecture explains how.

"It is completely impossible to experience the...

Dec 18, 2010

In Western cultures, the word faith has been misused for centuries; it does not mean "belief," but "trust, conviction, based on knowledge from experience." That is why spiritual development depends completely on faith: spiritual experience. Learn about the levels of faith and how they relate to Triratna, the three...

Nov 13, 2010

Although on the public level bodhichitta is usually described as the altruistic intention to reach enlightenment in order to bring all other beings there too, the real meaning of bodhichitta is far more profound. Learn about prana, rlung, Cheresig, Tara, Mani (Norbu), Christ, and much more.

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