Nov 16, 2024
Episode Three of the Sacred Sexuality series is now available.
This two-hour episode takes us through 11,000 years of changes to religion and attitudes towards sex, leading to the condition of our world today.
This series has no explicit or lewd imagery. It emphasizes respect and veneration for the sacred, spiritual...
Oct 4, 2024
If you cannot see internal images at will, then you do not know how to meditate.
If this statement surprises you, then please consider the roots of the word meditation.
Study the...
Mar 8, 2024
People today mistakenly believe that the word Gnostic refers only to a few groups that were active in the Middle East almost two thousand years ago, and left behind the so-called gnostic gospels or gnostic scriptures. In reality, those groups were not isolated or unique. They were part of a worldwide tradition found on...
Dec 15, 2023
Christ is a force, not a person.
Christ is selfless love, the power of sacrifice, compassion. This is not just an ideal: it is a living substance, a quality of consciousness, that in Buddhism is called bodhichitta.
Christ can incarnate within the prepared individual.
Jesus incarnated Christ. So did Buddha, Krishna, Joan...